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Alam Ganjar and His Political Legacy

During the 2024 presidential election campaign, in the appearance of several family members of several presidential candidates, Alam Ganjar's appearance stole attention. Muhammad Zinedine Alam Ganjar, familiarly known as Alam, is the only son of the Governor of Central Java and presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo.


Born on December 14, 2001, Alam is an active Gen Z who has a fresh political vision. How fresh is Alam's understanding of the political vision? Alam has a political vision that focuses on technological progress, education, and youth. He believes that technology can be a powerful tool to improve people's quality of life. Alam also wants to increase access to quality and affordable education for everyone. Apart from that, he wants to empower youth to become innovative and creative future leaders.


As a Gen Z, Alam is active on social media and often uses these platforms to exchange ideas about politics and social issues. He also has interests in sports and music. Alam, who is currently studying Industrial Engineering at Gadjah Mada University, is also known as an active person in several organizations such as E-Sport Indonesia (PBESI) and the Global Shapers economic forum, Semarang.


As the son of a politician, in a media interview at the end of 2023, Alam said that he did not deny the desire to enter the world of practical politics to continue in his father's legacy in the future. But for now, while Ganjar, his father, is still in the world of politics, Alam doesn't want to enter the world of politics just yet. Moreover, as an undergraduate student, Alam still has a dream of continuing his education to a master's level.



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